Friday, November 28, 2008

The Greens

I am currently in an amazing show called The Hanging of the Greens at Lakeshore Players theatre in White Bear Lake. I play the mischevious daughter of Briant and Aleena who have six other children as well. Add that to our neighbor, Noel's, family and you have fifteen people already. Then you take the four spirits, nineteen, and Pinella and her two slaves and you end up with a wonderful cast of twenty-two. We are already off book and open a week from yesterday. I for one, am very excited to perform for an audience but will also be sad to see this show end. We all came together quickly and really are a big family. I know that I can't wait to see my mommy and daddy again, not to mention my six, loving, siblings, and hope that they feel the same as well. I'm literaly bouncing up and down in the car on the way to the theatre in anticipation to see my family, friends, and spirits again. Rehearsals usualy consist of a run-through and notes so it's good to know that they are moving along so well but also a little scary knowing that we have less then a week until opening. Our time together as a family is limited and I would spend my whole day with them and not get bored. Now don't tell the cast of Music Man from Lakeshore, spring of 2006, but I'm positive this is my favorite show and cast I've ever done. Unfortunatley, I must pry myself away from the wonderful world of blogging and have some dinner but trust me, I'll be back soon.

P.s. The time on this is off, I don't eat dinner at 3:00, when I posted this is was more of 5:30. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix that. :D


Kate Sandvik said...

Awesome blog! I love it! Can't wait to see you Sunday!

Will Vincent said...

I believe to fix the time, you have to go to your google account and edit your personal information and make sure the timezone is set correctly.. if not there there should be a timezone setting somewhere in your blog configuration. Sounds like it's currently set to west coast time. ;)

Sylena/Luna said...

Thanks! I probably spent a half hour trying to figure out how to change the time and to no prevail. But then again, we all know I'm completly helpless when it comes to computers.