Friday, March 13, 2009

Long Time No Write

Hey hey!! I know I've been promising to write... and I haven't kept up with that promise very well. :/ But I'm back now and with stories to tell! So, my school's musical, the Music Man (see last post), just ended a little while ago. It was a great show with a wonderful cast and crew. The directors were amazing and overall, the show was tons of fun! I miss it constantly and, even though I'm glad I have some more time to do menial things like... oh say homework, I'm sad the show had to end. For those of you who saw it, I'm glad you could come and hope you enjoyed it! I know I did.

I remember, a while ago (hehe), I promised to write a Greenies poem, and while it stinks, here it is:

Moments that last a second
Memories that last forever
The laughs shared
The tears shed
Forever implanted in
Your memory
Hugs and Kisses
Forever... forever
The empty theatre
And blank faces
You look around but
There's no one to be found
You search and search
For the thing lost
Until you stumble upon it;
Those moments that lasted a second
And memories that'll last forever.

TA DA!!! that is my AMAZING (not really) poem I wrote after the Greenies closed!! I miss you all and can't wait till we meet again!!

I have been running around going to soo many shows lately... and loving every minute of it! Theatre is so much fun, if not being in a show, then watching one! It's so much fun to be part of a show and watch it grow and expand right before you're eyes. Like it was for me in The Hanging of the Greens. I remember our first rehearsal, the read through. We were all sitting around the table, taking in the new faces around us, not talking too much. Then go back a month to the Greenies sleepover and see how much we've changed. It truly was a great experience for me and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
Well, I must go but I hope to write again soon!!
Sylena (Regan <3)


Kate Sandvik said...

That's an awesome poem Sylena. I mean it. It's wonderful, made me cry...I miss you so much!

Sylena/Luna said...

aww!! Thanks Kate. I miss you sooo much too!!! It's been WAY too long!